Thursday, July 14, 2005

Waking thoughts about Al Queda

I watched Frontline's January 2005 feature about Al Queda's presence in Europe last night and woke up with this thought in my head:

To The Mothers of Misguided Martyrs

Like packs of rabid dogs infected by a maddening virus, your sons are too sick to see the lust within their own hearts; it's a lust for blood and redemption, a lust for power and a return to the Caliphate, but it is lust nonetheless. And though you love them mothers, fathers, daughters, brothers and sons of miguided martyrs all over the world, you must put them down before they destroy the innocent and God curses your family for their arrogant and prideful sin - to presume to know His will where it is not written.


Strange, I'm not even religious.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Plame Game A Crying Shame

That Judith Miller is going to jail for refusing to reveal a confidential source, a hilghly placed Bush regime source who probably committed a felony by leaking the name of Valerie Plame, an undercover CIA operative who happens to be married to a published critic of said administration's pre-war, African yellow-cake fiasco, is terribly ironic. It's Novak and Rove who should be wearing shackles for this travesty- but then, they're covered by the commandeer (sic) in chief.

Reporter Jailed After Refusing to Name Source - New York Times