Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Mo'town now Po'town

I'm probably not the first to suggest that Detroit adopt the updated nickname "Po'town" after todays report of U.S. census data that puts Detroit in the pole position for poverty-stricken metropolis'. Apparently, a third of Detroit residents live in poverty. That info coupled with the planned cutbacks in the police officers and precincts should put D-town back on top for homocides by year's end, eh?

How to end the war

I think the best way to end the war, without the relative advantage of showing it's pornographic violence on t.v. every night like they did in the sixties and early seventies, is to insist on meticulous accounting for the cost of the war. The one thing American taxpayers hate as much as seeing their sons and daughters come home in shoe boxes, is getting ripped-off by the sheisters who've infiltrated their government by way of no-bid contracts achieved with the help of administration officials. Question their profit margins and you'll see things heat up.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I agree with Frank Rich....

...in his 8/28/05 editorial ...the Democratic party's credibility in America is OVER. And, until the last election, I was a Democrat. Now I'm a pissed-O-crat who celebrates every embarassment our current so-called "civil servants" suffer. Since Clinton, The Democrats have made it embarassingly obvious that most of them are little more than wanna-be Republicans who don't appear quite as ruthless.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Profitibility of War

Anyone who is interested in understanding the motivation for seemingly pointless pre-emptive wars in the Middle East should absolutely watch Frontline's feature on the privatization of military functions in Iraq.

If you previously had illusions about nationalism, liberty, freedom or democracy, you should be cured of that by the time this documentary is all over.

Watch Frontline's "Private Warriors" online. If you'd like to get quickly to the root of the issue, I suggest you watch Chaptger Three first.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Capital Blasphemy: Maximum Wage

"Forbes reports that the combined compensation of the chief executives of America's 500 largest companies rose 54 percent last year..."

- while us working slobs continue to lose ground.

Here's a radical idea, and one that I'm sure has been quashed by politicians before: why not have a "maximum wage" (i.e. The maximum multiple you can earn, in wages and benefits, over and above the wage and benefits of the lowest paid worker in your company). Prove to all of us that a "a rising tide floats all boats" - like the Republicans used to argue during the "trickle down theory" debates of the 80's (what a crock of shit that turned out to be). A rising tide is only good for those who OWN the boats - the rest of us are still treading water or drowning.

Maximum wage: It's just, It's fair - which means it'll never happen.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

National Transparency

Before I ever cracked the cover of his book, I came to the same conclusion that Robert Reich dd in 1992's "The Work of Nations". Nationalism in a "global economy" is meaningless, insofar as it relates to the aspirations and hopes of the citizenry who are contained within a country's borders. The major players in the U.S. Government, and their co-conspirators in business who write the laws and grab the multi-billon dollar defense and infrastructure contracts, are no more loyal to the label "American" than a free-agent in baseball is to the label "Tiger", "Yankee", "Brave" or "Patriot." The players go where the money is and only bring up such labels when it suits some local public relations interest. That's never been so evident as it has in the last ten years, when jobs have consistently gone to the cheapest international labor market.

In a global economy, flags have become as transparent and meaningless as brand labels. Anybody who waves a flag in your face in times of crisis is trying to sell you something. The poor sods who "buy it" are the same ones who end up doing the thankless, bloody work of war, or serve up their sons and daughters to some lofty, but ultimately illusory, ideal . I wish there were some greater meaning in the violent deaths of so many brave souls who are willing to kill or be killed to suit some government aim, that it couldn't all be reduced to economic positioning and pure, unadulterated greed. But in capitalism, the "winners" will keep trying to win AT ANY COST. They don't know how to do anything else. Their driven like machines to "win" - even if it means losing everything else of meaning. Nationalism and patriotism are only a means to an end.

Monday, August 22, 2005

It's all bullshit......and nobody cares.

Go ahead, get on that plane. I'm sure it's safe.

Northwest sounds pretty cocky about their ability to hurt the mechanics union with replacement workers. They've been planning a coup d'etat on the mechanics for over a year now, hiring on the side and training in Arizona on grounded aircraft. Let's see if their thrifty/shifty plan works and breaks the evil union or if NWA customers pay with their lives.

Too bad the unemployed union workers can't suckle the federal tit like NWA did after 9/11. No, no - we can't have the Fed HELPING actual Americans now. Only Corporate Ctizens get the Federal fruit.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Cowardly Congress Silent About Gas Gouge

I'd just like to say that, after hearing Lou Dobbs' report that oil companies are collecting record double-digit profits and their ceo's have received 100% + raises while we're paying record prices at the pump, that I'm one righteously pissed-off working class mother-f*cker.

To my representatives and Senators in Congress - YOUR FIRED!!!!!!! - for this and so many other offenses over the last four years You're a bunch of useless cowards and corporate sycophants who'd sell your mothers for another term in office. Close your doors and declare your job a wash.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

9 Billion Reasons To Question Authority

That 9 Billion dollars has been unaccounted for by The Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq is reason enough to end the war. And the looting continues....

Monday, August 01, 2005

The problem with Congress......

The problem with The United States Congress is that average Americans don't have their own high-paid lobbyists to do their bidding. So here's what we should do: we'll send a representative from each "district" to represent the people who live in that district. We'll pay them well, give them great benefits and a great retirement plan,. If we're lucky they can influence legislation on the people's behalf - or if they're really good, maybe they can even write the bills themselves! What do you think? Great idea, eh?

Whaddaya mean it'll never work?!!!!!

; 0