Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I'm going to slap the next motherfucker.....

....who uses the phrase "activist judge" or "liberal media" or "cut-'n-run" any other viral catch-phrase or talking-point designed to whip the hoi polloi into a partisan frenzy. I swear. If you're even thinking it, consider my hot palm slamming across your cold cheek. A well-deserved assault.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Congressional Reformatory 2

If republicans in congress want to force meaningless rhetorical votes on the War in Iraq just to make themselves look good, Dems should stop pissing around and hang 'em with every corruption that's oozed out of the storm drains in the last three years. If Democrats can't beat 'em by a vote, they'll just have to keep sending them to prison until they can. Shouldn't be a problem; there seems to be a scum-scraping scandal beneath every raised republican carpet. The real war is in the Capitol building.

Dark days for America. Dark days indeed.

The Iraq War: brought to you by the same retarded monkeys who brought you Nixon, Watergate, and the needless escalation of The Viet Nam War (i.e. Rumsfeld & Cheney - they were THERE). These are the fellas of THE INDUSTRIAL MILITARY COMPLEX that Dwight David Eisenhower tried to warn you about oh so many years ago. These are the same retarded monkeys who created the need for The (Colin) Powell Doctrine - the policy that says, never enter a battle unless you intend to win with overwhelming force. Of course, we know what happened to that 'ole boy, don't we? Rumsfeld sent his ass packing, immasculated by the lies they made him to tell. Poor, 'ole uncle Tom - we could have used a BRAVE soldier on the front lines of the culture war. Maybe that old dog's got some fight in him yet, before the whole country disintegrates into a Uncivil War. We can only hope he has it in him.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

little poem

Living two lives
Not committed to either one
In a third that I abandoned
was a God waiting for a son
