So let me get this straight: It's not okay to do research on discarded human embryos to find cures to diseases that afflict actual human beings the world over, but it's okay to let your good frat buddy (let's call him Lahaim) bomb the shit out of innocent men, woman and children in hopes that he might kill his sworn enemy in the process?
Hey, remember back in fascist school when Lahaim drove a bulldozer over that little white American girl who tried to show the Palestinians how to stage a peaceful protest in Gaza? Now what was her name? Rachel something, wasn't it? What a hoot. I bet she never expected that from a close ally of the United States! Didn't someone get pictures of the whole thing? Yeah, I think the Palestinians have pictures too. Boy, Lahaim showed her who's boss, eh?. We're going to put that one on the Republicans Party's Top Ten Ways To Dispose of A Liberal.
(excuse me while I vomit)
Learn More About Rachael Corrie's Murder by the IDF at
Living in early 21st Century America is like being trapped in Bizzarro World with your alcoholic father.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
The Opressed Are Now The Opressors
I think the Jews might have caught some kind of evil virus in Germany back in the 40's. I don't know anytthing else that might explain their capacity for killing.
And the stong shall continue to subjugate the weak.
And the stong shall continue to subjugate the weak.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Princess Behemoth Gets Tipsy
Sharpen Your Fork
I just got done watching Democrats on CSPAN show me how for the past six years I've been financing tax cuts for people who make ten times what I make, and I still only owe a measly $28,000 to pay my share of the runaway national debt. Oh, and my wife owes $28,000 as well. And my kid too. Boy the Republicans can really stick it to the working class when they control all three branches of government, eh? So much for fiscal conservatism.
So while I continue to whine from my computer, the'yre looting my social security, energy and healthcare costs are skyrocketiing and our folly in the Middle East continues to add exponentially to our debt. With all that going on, I wonder how I'm going to survive America in my golden years.
I guess I'll just have to sharpen my fork and EAT THE RICH.
So while I continue to whine from my computer, the'yre looting my social security, energy and healthcare costs are skyrocketiing and our folly in the Middle East continues to add exponentially to our debt. With all that going on, I wonder how I'm going to survive America in my golden years.
I guess I'll just have to sharpen my fork and EAT THE RICH.
Monday, July 17, 2006
With Overwhelming Force, Israel Bombs Lebanon Into the Stone Age
I'm having a bit of trouble believing that Israel's massive bombing of Lebanon has anything to do with two kidnapped soldiers. This seems very much like a pre-planned devastation of the entire country - as evidenced by Israel's bombing of a Lebanese army base and other actions taken far from Sothern Lebanon. It will take decades to re-build Lebanon. Maybe that's their plan - if the Lebanese are busy rebuilding, they'll be less likely to cause Israel trouble.
But Israel has gone much farther than anyone expected. Are they trying to elicit a response from Syria and Iran? Or are they just causing as much damage to their enemies as they can before the world speaks up.
What no one in the major media is asking is, how many times did the Israelis violate the so-called Blue Line in the past ten years? Why do the Israelis have so many Palestinians and Lebanese prisoners? And why was a prisoner swap ok in the recent past but now prompts the overwhelming devastation of civilian infrastructure in Lebanon?
I guess if I want to be a good American I'm not supposed to ask those questions, but there it is.
But Israel has gone much farther than anyone expected. Are they trying to elicit a response from Syria and Iran? Or are they just causing as much damage to their enemies as they can before the world speaks up.
What no one in the major media is asking is, how many times did the Israelis violate the so-called Blue Line in the past ten years? Why do the Israelis have so many Palestinians and Lebanese prisoners? And why was a prisoner swap ok in the recent past but now prompts the overwhelming devastation of civilian infrastructure in Lebanon?
I guess if I want to be a good American I'm not supposed to ask those questions, but there it is.
The "Shit" Heard 'Round The World
CNN is treating the president's "shit" like it was made of gold. The expletive was caught when the president was having what he thought was a relatively private conversation with the British Prime Minister at a G8 luncheon (or was it dinner - who gives a "shit").
Now, I'm no friend of the president, but the last time I checked it was just plain rude to eavesdrop on someone's conversation - and then to publicize said conversation around the world and treat it like an exclusive is just plain juvenile.
SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT Syria needs to tell Hizbollah to knock that SHIT off!
Will that get me on CNN too? What if I said "fuck"?
Sometimes "the media" is just as stupid as "they" say it is.
Now, I'm no friend of the president, but the last time I checked it was just plain rude to eavesdrop on someone's conversation - and then to publicize said conversation around the world and treat it like an exclusive is just plain juvenile.
SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT Syria needs to tell Hizbollah to knock that SHIT off!
Will that get me on CNN too? What if I said "fuck"?
Sometimes "the media" is just as stupid as "they" say it is.
CNN going to hell
Glenn Beck is the worst thing to happen to CNN since.....since........Ok, he's the worst thing to ever happen to CNN. It's such a shameless grab for the FOX news market it makes me sad for journalism.
Then you have a top-ten list given by some chick I've never see before (Melissa Long is her name, I've since learned), interrupting Paula Zahn's show with more Celebrity Non News (like the "Friend's Reunion Show").
Yeah, I know. I swore-off CNN months ago - but I want to watch the world unravel in real time so I'll have to settle for the best of the worst.
God I wish PBS had more resources.
Then you have a top-ten list given by some chick I've never see before (Melissa Long is her name, I've since learned), interrupting Paula Zahn's show with more Celebrity Non News (like the "Friend's Reunion Show").
Yeah, I know. I swore-off CNN months ago - but I want to watch the world unravel in real time so I'll have to settle for the best of the worst.
God I wish PBS had more resources.
Sunnis Now Want Americans To Stay... For Coming War?
The New York Times has reported that Iraqi Sunnis now want American troops to stay to protect them from militant Shiites who've been hunting them down in recent weeks. This is a major change in attitude by the Sunnis who up until recently called for the Americans to leave. Coupled with recent events in Lebanon and Gaza, and the intractable attitude of Iran and Syria when it comes to Israel and their unapologetic ally the U.S., we've got the beginnings of a regional war in the Middle East.
Nice going.
Nice going.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Americans Split on Graphic War Images
The Pew Internet & American Life Project has released a study about how many Americans are seeking out graphic war images online and how some think it's wrong. Wha't surprising is that a majority of households earning over $50k approve of showing graphic images online while those with incomes less that $50K disapprove. It's probably because those earning less than $50k a year are probably twice as likely to have a child show up in one of those gruesome photographs.
Check out the Survey Here.
Personally, I think if you're not willing to show the results of your actions to the world, you probably shouldn't be engaged in that activity in the first place. Immorality is not limited to pornography and abortion. Don't agree? Check out these very graphic pictures from the war in Iraq (CAUTION: Not for the squeamish).
While you can choose to ignore the islamic propaganda on this website, the pictures don't lie. Let's not pretend we don't know what's really happening over there, ok? Yeah, I know, 9/11 - 3000 American lives destroyed by Islamic fundamentalists. Same, same, but where does it end? How many more people have to die violent deaths? How many more mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and children have to suffer unimaginable fates before we feel avenged? 100,000? 200,000? 1,000,000? Are you telling me there's no other way to win the hearts and minds of our enemies other than blasting those hearts and minds all over the walls of their cities? What a crude lack of imagination. It's cave-man consciousness.
As long as we keep thinking like we do, THIS SHIT WILL NEVER END. Let's put our best minds (not those in positions of power or prestige) toward changing this crude and stupid self-destructive behaviour.
Oh, The Yellow Times has been shut down over showing graphic war photos. I wonder if it violates my TOS. Showing the TRUTH OF WAR is worth the risk.
Check out the Survey Here.
Personally, I think if you're not willing to show the results of your actions to the world, you probably shouldn't be engaged in that activity in the first place. Immorality is not limited to pornography and abortion. Don't agree? Check out these very graphic pictures from the war in Iraq (CAUTION: Not for the squeamish).
While you can choose to ignore the islamic propaganda on this website, the pictures don't lie. Let's not pretend we don't know what's really happening over there, ok? Yeah, I know, 9/11 - 3000 American lives destroyed by Islamic fundamentalists. Same, same, but where does it end? How many more people have to die violent deaths? How many more mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and children have to suffer unimaginable fates before we feel avenged? 100,000? 200,000? 1,000,000? Are you telling me there's no other way to win the hearts and minds of our enemies other than blasting those hearts and minds all over the walls of their cities? What a crude lack of imagination. It's cave-man consciousness.
As long as we keep thinking like we do, THIS SHIT WILL NEVER END. Let's put our best minds (not those in positions of power or prestige) toward changing this crude and stupid self-destructive behaviour.
Oh, The Yellow Times has been shut down over showing graphic war photos. I wonder if it violates my TOS. Showing the TRUTH OF WAR is worth the risk.
Humanity is Doomed
It occurs to me that war isn't about different cultures, different philosophies, different politics, claims to land, resources or religious convictions. It's really just about man's inability to share what he has with others who need it. It's about brats waving their missles around to show everybody who's boss, king of the hill. Humanity is doomed
Want to impress the planet? Love your enemies so much that they'll do anything to avoid you. Embarass them with lavish, selfless gifts they couldn't possibly return. Create entire Holidays to praise their virtues. Love them and their people in such conspicuous ways they'll give their weapons to you for safe-keeping. There's so much more interesting things you could do with the trillions of dollars spent on machines designed to shred people and property into a disgusting blood-soaked confetti (which, of course, you'll never see on your government-sanitized television screens).
Israel, Hizbollah, U.S., Iran, Hamas, Al Queda - you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Go to your rooms and think about what you've done and don't come out until you can treat your fellow humans with respect.
Want to impress the planet? Love your enemies so much that they'll do anything to avoid you. Embarass them with lavish, selfless gifts they couldn't possibly return. Create entire Holidays to praise their virtues. Love them and their people in such conspicuous ways they'll give their weapons to you for safe-keeping. There's so much more interesting things you could do with the trillions of dollars spent on machines designed to shred people and property into a disgusting blood-soaked confetti (which, of course, you'll never see on your government-sanitized television screens).
Israel, Hizbollah, U.S., Iran, Hamas, Al Queda - you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Go to your rooms and think about what you've done and don't come out until you can treat your fellow humans with respect.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Ken Lay Down For Good
Though my condolences go out to Ken Lay's family and friends (with the exception of Emperor Bush) and those who actually found some goodness in this blood-thirsty vampire, it's too bad he died before he could be sentenced for his crimes at the helm of the pirate ship Enron. He should have had the time to recieve cards and letters from thousands of people whose lives he ruined. He should have had time to reflect on how he could go from fat cat corporate cheat to a low-life, rat-in-a-cage in such a short amount of time. But there's always Skilling, right? And Copper, and Fastow, and .....
I guess the only thing left to do with Ken Lay is let the prosecutor drive a stake through his heart and cut off his head - just to make sure this evil bastard doesn't haunt the living anymore.
Unfortunately, it seems his sudden death has complicated the process of making reparations to his victims. See the story in The New York Times.
I guess the only thing left to do with Ken Lay is let the prosecutor drive a stake through his heart and cut off his head - just to make sure this evil bastard doesn't haunt the living anymore.
Unfortunately, it seems his sudden death has complicated the process of making reparations to his victims. See the story in The New York Times.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Too Close To Call = Too Close For Comfort
Seems a pattern is emerging in this hemisphere. Conservatives (i.e. Mexican conservatives) have reportedly won the presidential election by the narrowest of margins, according to a Story in LA times. Once I heard the race was "too close to call" yesterday, a familiar shiver ran down up my spine.
I've grown so cynical.
Funny, those close political races seem to quash dissent by their very appearence of authenticity. Man, it was soooo close, but we won in the end. It's a mandate from the people!
Which political leaning, left or right, do you think is more likely to steal? I'd like to see the results of that experiment.
I've grown so cynical.
Funny, those close political races seem to quash dissent by their very appearence of authenticity. Man, it was soooo close, but we won in the end. It's a mandate from the people!
Which political leaning, left or right, do you think is more likely to steal? I'd like to see the results of that experiment.
Riffing On The Times 7-3-06
As always, the headlines are taken directly from The New York Times, and the sub-heads are entirely made up.
Roberts Is at Court's Helm, but He Isn't Yet in Control - Chief Justice now wants to be referred to as "Chief Justice of The Supreme Executive" to more accurately reflect his position on the court.
Car Bomb Kills More Than 60 in Iraq Market : Tragedy clears way for new Baghdad Wal Mart which promises to supply U.S. soldiers and locals with much needed helmet-liners and body armor "at a globally competitive price".
Hiring Federal Lobbyists, Towns Learn Money Talks: Abramof scandal tips-off ambitious locals who lag behind Washington learning-curve.
Israeli Airstrike Over Gaza Hits Premier's Office: Jewish State denies Hamas' recent democratic victory has anything to do with "unfortunate accident that occurred in the course of Israeli soldier kidnapping investigation." Says missiles expedite the process of exposing potential hiding places.
Mexican Vote Hinges on Conflicted Middle Class: Class fears exporting of unskilled labor to United States will create dearth of underpaid servants in their own country.
Last Stop, Lhasa: Rail Link Ties Remote Tibet to China : Buddhist Monks respond "There goes the neighborhood."
Roberts Is at Court's Helm, but He Isn't Yet in Control - Chief Justice now wants to be referred to as "Chief Justice of The Supreme Executive" to more accurately reflect his position on the court.
Car Bomb Kills More Than 60 in Iraq Market : Tragedy clears way for new Baghdad Wal Mart which promises to supply U.S. soldiers and locals with much needed helmet-liners and body armor "at a globally competitive price".
Hiring Federal Lobbyists, Towns Learn Money Talks: Abramof scandal tips-off ambitious locals who lag behind Washington learning-curve.
Israeli Airstrike Over Gaza Hits Premier's Office: Jewish State denies Hamas' recent democratic victory has anything to do with "unfortunate accident that occurred in the course of Israeli soldier kidnapping investigation." Says missiles expedite the process of exposing potential hiding places.
Mexican Vote Hinges on Conflicted Middle Class: Class fears exporting of unskilled labor to United States will create dearth of underpaid servants in their own country.
Last Stop, Lhasa: Rail Link Ties Remote Tibet to China : Buddhist Monks respond "There goes the neighborhood."
Saturday, July 01, 2006
French-Fried Fools
The other day, my illustrious representative, Thaddeus G. McCotter, was asked on the air his opinion on soccer's ultimate competition, The World Cup. His response? He didn't much care for soccer, other than rooting for the United States and against the French. This coming from a member of the House Committee on International Relations. Ugh. No wonder everybody hates us.
No doubt, he's one of the congressional retards who thought renaming french fries to Freedom Fries was a right and just response to a serious foreign relations problem.
His latest official duty was to submit remarks criticizing H.R. 861 - a useless political resolution desgined by by his own party to circle the wagon and pressure members into declaring their commitment to staying the course in Iraq, regardless of the thousands of American lives it destroys and the hundreds of billions of tax payer's dollars it wastes - and if it embarasses Democrats in the process, all the better.
Unfortunately, McCotter's criticisms about the resolution were that it didn't go far enough in its language. He said that it lacked moral clarity, because it used the word "adversary" instead of "enemy" and so he would be voting "present" instead of voting in the affirmative.
Please tell me we can do better in the 11th district come November.
Curious about McCotter's voting record? Visit the website of McCotter's "enemy" in the coming election: Go to Tony Tripiano's Website
No doubt, he's one of the congressional retards who thought renaming french fries to Freedom Fries was a right and just response to a serious foreign relations problem.
His latest official duty was to submit remarks criticizing H.R. 861 - a useless political resolution desgined by by his own party to circle the wagon and pressure members into declaring their commitment to staying the course in Iraq, regardless of the thousands of American lives it destroys and the hundreds of billions of tax payer's dollars it wastes - and if it embarasses Democrats in the process, all the better.
Unfortunately, McCotter's criticisms about the resolution were that it didn't go far enough in its language. He said that it lacked moral clarity, because it used the word "adversary" instead of "enemy" and so he would be voting "present" instead of voting in the affirmative.
Please tell me we can do better in the 11th district come November.
Curious about McCotter's voting record? Visit the website of McCotter's "enemy" in the coming election: Go to Tony Tripiano's Website
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