More money for defense, particularly well-connected private defense contractors who regularly and predictably gouge the very government that feeds them.
More money for the rich, particularly in the form of esoteric tax cuts that get passed in the middle of the night before a holiday so they can write off their Hummers and the cost of heating their multiple McMansions.
Less money for everybody and everything else.
Fuck the little people who pay for it all with their income taxes.
Fuck their educational opportunities, fuck their general welfare and fuck their pursuit of happiness.
Fuck their jobs and fuck their misguided ideals about loyalty and country.
It's all for sale and nothing means nothing.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Taser Nation
The recent spate of video showing cops tasering non-violent offenders just makes me fear the people who are supposed to protect me. But more than fear, I feel anger and a desire for revenge against jack-booted thugs who take a sadistic pleasure in doling-out pain to the powerless. This is where "cops" become "pigs" in my book. The only thing worse than pigs taking too much pleasure in their work is the people who laugh and cheer at this kind of shit.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Can you hear that?
The other day CSPAN was asking its callers what would happen if the United States pulled out of Iraq. I never got a chance to call in but here is my answer.
If the U.S. pulled out of Iraq it would mean the end of that massive sucking sound created by 180,000 private contractors drawing hundreds of billions of dollars out of the void of our children's future (see this month's Rolling Stone article) - and it would begin a massive whining sound created by the well-connected Republicons who head those companies when they realize their government tit-sucking festival has finally come to an end.
Anybody with half a brain realizes that the war was an excuse to do what certain families have been trying to do since World War One and our so-called leaders are liars, cheats, harlots and charletans who've left us bitter and jaded. So...
Impeach The President.
Fne the congressmen for derilection of duty
Apologize to the Iraqis and wish them the best.
Take GOOD CARE of our troops health and retirement.
Rebuild New Orleans for the people who actually lived there.
Make sure our security services are playing nice with eachother.
Keep heavy pressure on Islamic assholes who want to hurt people - wherever they are.
Start a NASA-sized program to jump-start sustainable energy resources that won't send our food prices through the roof (e.g. Ethanol)
Find a reason to believe in America again.
God, we need something to believe in again.
If the U.S. pulled out of Iraq it would mean the end of that massive sucking sound created by 180,000 private contractors drawing hundreds of billions of dollars out of the void of our children's future (see this month's Rolling Stone article) - and it would begin a massive whining sound created by the well-connected Republicons who head those companies when they realize their government tit-sucking festival has finally come to an end.
Anybody with half a brain realizes that the war was an excuse to do what certain families have been trying to do since World War One and our so-called leaders are liars, cheats, harlots and charletans who've left us bitter and jaded. So...
Impeach The President.
Fne the congressmen for derilection of duty
Apologize to the Iraqis and wish them the best.
Take GOOD CARE of our troops health and retirement.
Rebuild New Orleans for the people who actually lived there.
Make sure our security services are playing nice with eachother.
Keep heavy pressure on Islamic assholes who want to hurt people - wherever they are.
Start a NASA-sized program to jump-start sustainable energy resources that won't send our food prices through the roof (e.g. Ethanol)
Find a reason to believe in America again.
God, we need something to believe in again.
Friday, September 07, 2007
An Open Letter To Chase Bank Visa
Dear Chase Bank,
After twenty-three years as a Chase Visa credit-card holder in good standing, my wife's Chase Visa card was recently cancelled, your company falsely claiming she was 120 days overdue. Not only is this not true, as she did send you checks for hundreds of dollars in the past several months (we can prove this, of course), but I believe this "overdue amount" was a product of your own dubious business practices. On at least one occasion this year, Chase Visa failed to deliver a monthly bill to our home. This, of course, led to no check being delivered to you (or delivered to you late) and conveniently triggered a much higher interest rate and various late fees which I believe may have been agreed to somewhere deep in her original or modified-by-mail (innumerable times) credit contract (which, I'm convinced, nobody but your lawyers has ever read).
When my wife finally did receive a bill from Chase Visa, the minimum amount due was far more than she could afford to pay. You see, recently my wife lost her good paying job due to cut-backs in the ever-popular "global economy" - which was then replaced by a new American specialty known as the "McJob", a service industry gig which hardly pays subsistence wages and, of course, no benefits. In the past, making a double-payment on "the card" due to some oversight on your part, or her part, would not have been a problem. But making such a payment now, at $8 an hour, is, frankly, an impossibility.
No, I think that if you truly want to collect the nearly ten-thousand dollars you claim my wife now owes you (thanks to her not understanding the details of "compound interest" and the ever-deepening debt she will incur even while faithfully making her monthly minimum payment [a crime of "usery" itself, in my opinion] - oh, and by being too proud to come to me for help), you will have to waive this year's late fees and cut her interest rate by more than half. It's the least you could do for a faithful twenty-three year customer from whom you've collected tens of thousands of dollars in interest over the years (and may collect thousands of dollars more from if you treat her fairly) who has now fallen on harder times.
If not, and you insist on sending this collection to a bunch of lawyers whose dubious practices rival even you own, you will not enjoy anything but the satisfaction of marring her credit, which she can't really afford to use anyway.
Your call....
Signed: The angry husband of a very dissatisfied customer.
After twenty-three years as a Chase Visa credit-card holder in good standing, my wife's Chase Visa card was recently cancelled, your company falsely claiming she was 120 days overdue. Not only is this not true, as she did send you checks for hundreds of dollars in the past several months (we can prove this, of course), but I believe this "overdue amount" was a product of your own dubious business practices. On at least one occasion this year, Chase Visa failed to deliver a monthly bill to our home. This, of course, led to no check being delivered to you (or delivered to you late) and conveniently triggered a much higher interest rate and various late fees which I believe may have been agreed to somewhere deep in her original or modified-by-mail (innumerable times) credit contract (which, I'm convinced, nobody but your lawyers has ever read).
When my wife finally did receive a bill from Chase Visa, the minimum amount due was far more than she could afford to pay. You see, recently my wife lost her good paying job due to cut-backs in the ever-popular "global economy" - which was then replaced by a new American specialty known as the "McJob", a service industry gig which hardly pays subsistence wages and, of course, no benefits. In the past, making a double-payment on "the card" due to some oversight on your part, or her part, would not have been a problem. But making such a payment now, at $8 an hour, is, frankly, an impossibility.
No, I think that if you truly want to collect the nearly ten-thousand dollars you claim my wife now owes you (thanks to her not understanding the details of "compound interest" and the ever-deepening debt she will incur even while faithfully making her monthly minimum payment [a crime of "usery" itself, in my opinion] - oh, and by being too proud to come to me for help), you will have to waive this year's late fees and cut her interest rate by more than half. It's the least you could do for a faithful twenty-three year customer from whom you've collected tens of thousands of dollars in interest over the years (and may collect thousands of dollars more from if you treat her fairly) who has now fallen on harder times.
If not, and you insist on sending this collection to a bunch of lawyers whose dubious practices rival even you own, you will not enjoy anything but the satisfaction of marring her credit, which she can't really afford to use anyway.
Your call....
Signed: The angry husband of a very dissatisfied customer.
Chase Visa,
consumer fraud,
Credit Fraud,
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Dems Support National Passport Month?
Dear Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Oakland),
Thank you for wasting my tax dollars to promote National Passport Month on the floor of the House Of Representatives and for the benefit of the CSPAN cameras. I have to wonder, who asked you to promote more passport sales? Surely, It wasn't the majority of your constituents. Why is it you politicians never seem to get to the needs of the majority of your constituents?
I submit to you, representative, that the reason that only 25% of Americans hold a passport is that only 25% of Americans actually need a passport - most likely to perpetuate our addiction to cheap imports and exand the profit margins of people who used to employ Americans until y'all voted to ship them to foreign countries. Then there's the much smaller percentage of people who can actually afford to travel abroad - it ain't me, sister, unless your talking about the passport you now want me to use to drive to Canada - which is really just a tax increase to me.
Representative, you speak about the great benefits and opportunities that come with holding an passport, like getting to know other cultures and expanding our horizons. Of course, you conveniently omitted the fact that opinion of Americans around the world is now at an all-time low, thanks to the void of leadership left by our president, followed by the void of leadership that the Democratic Party is currently creating - both of which are reflected in your latest approval ratings.
So please Representative Lee, stop trying to sell the American people more crap they don't really need. Have some political courage, stick your neck way out and do the work we so desperately need you to do - create a health care system that works for ALL Americans, protect and create jobs that pay a living wage for those who still want to believe in the American Dream, prevent criminal usury by the banks, maintain our crumbling infrastructure and protect us from going broke over the ever-increasing natural disasters, and for the love of God, stop wasting hundreds of billions of our tax dollars on shady contractors who couldn't build a decent outhouse in Iraq let alone a functioning democracy.
Does anybody have the courage to speak the truth up there? So far the answer is obvious to everyone but y'all.
Thank you for wasting my tax dollars to promote National Passport Month on the floor of the House Of Representatives and for the benefit of the CSPAN cameras. I have to wonder, who asked you to promote more passport sales? Surely, It wasn't the majority of your constituents. Why is it you politicians never seem to get to the needs of the majority of your constituents?
I submit to you, representative, that the reason that only 25% of Americans hold a passport is that only 25% of Americans actually need a passport - most likely to perpetuate our addiction to cheap imports and exand the profit margins of people who used to employ Americans until y'all voted to ship them to foreign countries. Then there's the much smaller percentage of people who can actually afford to travel abroad - it ain't me, sister, unless your talking about the passport you now want me to use to drive to Canada - which is really just a tax increase to me.
Representative, you speak about the great benefits and opportunities that come with holding an passport, like getting to know other cultures and expanding our horizons. Of course, you conveniently omitted the fact that opinion of Americans around the world is now at an all-time low, thanks to the void of leadership left by our president, followed by the void of leadership that the Democratic Party is currently creating - both of which are reflected in your latest approval ratings.
So please Representative Lee, stop trying to sell the American people more crap they don't really need. Have some political courage, stick your neck way out and do the work we so desperately need you to do - create a health care system that works for ALL Americans, protect and create jobs that pay a living wage for those who still want to believe in the American Dream, prevent criminal usury by the banks, maintain our crumbling infrastructure and protect us from going broke over the ever-increasing natural disasters, and for the love of God, stop wasting hundreds of billions of our tax dollars on shady contractors who couldn't build a decent outhouse in Iraq let alone a functioning democracy.
Does anybody have the courage to speak the truth up there? So far the answer is obvious to everyone but y'all.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
NBC ABC Wrangle Over Paris Hilton Interview
The New York Times has reported that NBC and ABC had allegedly been in a bidding war with the Hilton parents (and I use that term loosely) to be the first to interview Paris Hilton when she gets out of jail.
If I were either network I'd be embarassed to be involved at all. And apparently, and appropriately, they are embarassed -having nixed the idea of pursuing the interview.
Give it to FOX NEWS where that sort of pap belongs.
Source: New York Times; June 23, 2007; "ABC and NBC End Race to Interview Paris Hilton"
If I were either network I'd be embarassed to be involved at all. And apparently, and appropriately, they are embarassed -having nixed the idea of pursuing the interview.
Give it to FOX NEWS where that sort of pap belongs.
Source: New York Times; June 23, 2007; "ABC and NBC End Race to Interview Paris Hilton"
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Corruption in China = Death
Boy, those Chinese don't screw around. When they Chinese FDA commissioner Zheng Xiaoyu pleaded guilty to corruption and accepting bribes that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people around the world the gov. sentenced him to death. In the U.S. we'd pat him on the head, throw him in a private country club and set some ridiculous fine that would never get paid. Then CEOs around the country would figure out how he did it, perfect the technique, then try to get rich themselves.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Economic Chauvinism: Good 'ole Boys Woman-Haters Club
So I'm talking to my well-to-do brother-in-law about the economic meltdown Michigan is currently experiencing due to the flight of manufacturing jobs, the shrinking domestic auto industy and a budget crisis created in part by the removal of almost two billion dollars in revenue from the single business tax. I was quite blown away by his response. He laid the economic blame squarely on the head of our FEMALE governor. He said we'd never be taken seiously in the business world as long as our leader was a woman.
You're kidding me right?
He wasn't kidding.
My response: "My god, are we still that unsophisticated?"
By the time the words left my mouth I realized two things. One, the money men who run this state couldn't possible be that unsophisticated, but they realize the mass of us are and need convenient target for their money problems- and without a minority or foreigner to blame, a woman will suffice nicely. And two, patriarchal Christianity probably has a lot to do with my brother-in-law's attitude, that whole Promise Keepers, Man In The Mirror shit that places the man at the head of the pack, firmly behind the steering wheel, as the captain of the team and as the leaders of the free world - because God supposedly wants it that way regardless of the economic, social or ecological ruination he brings to the planet in the process.
You're kidding me right?
He wasn't kidding.
My response: "My god, are we still that unsophisticated?"
By the time the words left my mouth I realized two things. One, the money men who run this state couldn't possible be that unsophisticated, but they realize the mass of us are and need convenient target for their money problems- and without a minority or foreigner to blame, a woman will suffice nicely. And two, patriarchal Christianity probably has a lot to do with my brother-in-law's attitude, that whole Promise Keepers, Man In The Mirror shit that places the man at the head of the pack, firmly behind the steering wheel, as the captain of the team and as the leaders of the free world - because God supposedly wants it that way regardless of the economic, social or ecological ruination he brings to the planet in the process.
Michigan Politics,
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
A Letter To News & Notes Re: Dr. Julianne Malveaux
I was shocked by the careless words of columnist and author Dr. Julianne Malveaux, newly named president of Bennett College, regarding a preceding story on News and Notes about the Shaquanda Cotton criminal case (News & Notes, Roundtable: Black Colleges; Candidate's Lives, March 29, 2007). In reference to the comments of Gary Young, the district attorney who helped prosecute Ms. Cotton for shoving a teacher, Dr. Malveaux said...
"...that person, you could see the red on his neck - through the radio."
Later in that same story, Dr. Malveaux said in regards to Newt Gingrich's affair during the Bill Clinton scandal, that, 'when hypocrisy is involved, the public should know about it.' - which is why I'm writing this letter to News and Notes.
I think The United States has come to a point in its history where hypocrisy will no longer be tolerated - even by the victims of historical injustices. Two wrongs don't make a right and Dr. Malveaux's careless comment about "red necks" should no more be tolerated than the recent remarks by Don Imus' about "nappy heads" - maybe even less, because we expect more from a college president than a shock-jock who relies on controversy for ratings.
"...that person, you could see the red on his neck - through the radio."
Later in that same story, Dr. Malveaux said in regards to Newt Gingrich's affair during the Bill Clinton scandal, that, 'when hypocrisy is involved, the public should know about it.' - which is why I'm writing this letter to News and Notes.
I think The United States has come to a point in its history where hypocrisy will no longer be tolerated - even by the victims of historical injustices. Two wrongs don't make a right and Dr. Malveaux's careless comment about "red necks" should no more be tolerated than the recent remarks by Don Imus' about "nappy heads" - maybe even less, because we expect more from a college president than a shock-jock who relies on controversy for ratings.
Julianne Malveaux,
reverse racism,
Shaquanda Cotton
Monday, March 12, 2007
Chain, Chain, Chain....
So, it's Sunday morning and I've got my cup of strong, hot coffee and the sun is shining in the kitchen window and I've done little more than complain about how full my stomach still is from the night before when the neighbors took the wife and me out to Famous Dave's for a feast that would choke an alligator. I sit down on my nice, padded kitchen chair, flip open the laptop, fire up my e-mail program and the first letter I open is a f@#$ing chain letter. But it's not just any chain letter. This one goes right for my guilty gut. Click "read more" below if you dare. . .
And the chain e-mail begins thusly.....
To whom much is given much is required ! Pray for our troops and our president !

This is a ribbon for soldiers fighting in Iraq. Pass it on to everyone and pray.

Sleep Last Night?
Toss and turn any...
Wish the heat was higher...
Maybe the a/c wasn't on...
Had to go to the john..
Need a drink of water...

Yes.. It is like that!
Count your blessings, pray for them,
Talk to your Creator
...and the next time when the other car cuts you off and you hit the brakes, or you have to park a little further from Walmart than you want to be, or you're served slightly warm food at the restaurant, or you're sitting and cursing the traffic in front of you, or the shower runs out of hot water...
Think of them...
Protecting your freedom!

Message from Iraq:
The proud warriors of Baker Company wanted to do something to pay tribute To our fallen comrades So since we are part of the only Marine Infantry Battalion left in Iraq the one way that we could think of doing that is By taking a picture of Baker Company saying the way we feel. It would be awesome if you could find a way to share this with our fellow countrymen. I was wondering if there was any way to get this into your papers to let the world know that "WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN" and are proud to serve our country." Semper Fi
1st Sgt Dave Jobe
The attached photo was forwarded from one of the last U.S. Marine companies in Iraq. They would like to have it passed to as many people as possible, to let the folks back home know that they remember why they're there and that they remember those who've been lost.
Send this to 13 people in the next 15 minutes. Go.
<---------end of chain letter--------->
So after reading all that, the guilt seeped in. I mean, that was the intent, right? Well, it worked, but probably not in the way it was meant to.
I don't feel guilty that I haven't draped the stars and stripes across everthing I own or sang patriotic songs at the local church or blindly followed the edicts of the people who started this war or those who continue to perpetuate it.
And, after all I've read on the subject, I certainly don't believe Iraq had anything to do with 9-11 - despite the repeated efforts, year after year, of those who insist on confusing the issue - even after the recent conviction of Lewis "scooter" Libby and the very public revelations regarding the dirty politics of this administration - who, in deliberately revealing the classified identity of a public servent, showed they couldn't give a shit about who they sacrifice to get what they want. But that's politics as usual and I digress.
I do feel guilty that, in the four years since the Iraq war began, I haven't personally sacrificed anything for the people who really put their ass on the line - despite our president's early insistence that I go shopping and carry on as usual and simply trust them to take care of all the war business. That didn't work out so well.
I feel guilty that our leaders goals don't seem worthy of our soldier's souls, and, by my apathy and inaction, I am complicit in their suffering and their deaths.
I feel guilty that I haven't used my freedom to protest on behalf of my beliefs for fear of confrontation with the vocal minority who would like to punish me for those beliefs.
I feel guilty that all I've done is send a few e-mails to my congressmen; blog about it and bitch about it to people who already agree with me. A bare-minimum effort. And I know quite a few people who haven't even done that.
I know many of you don't agree with my take on all this, and that's your right. I'll respect your beliefs if you'll respect mine. But I'm no longer willing to be silent when somebody insinuates that I'm unpatriotic - especially if it's because I didn't forward a f@#$%ing chain letter.
But I do want Baker Company and all the vets to know that I am thinking about them, and that I do appreciate their sacrifice. I'm going to try to do more to remember that they're still out there, some of them waiting for us to step up and use the freedoms we have to help make the world a better place. Letting the war in Iraq continue indefinitely in the name of "The War On Terror", I believe, doesn't serve that purpose.
This country, and all the high ideals it was supposed to stand for, like liberty, free speech, representative democracy, the rule of law, freedom of religion, freedom to peacably assemble, freedom to keep and bear arms, freedom from unreasonable searches, seizures and forfeitures, freedom to petition our government for a redress of grievances, does have its enemies to be sure.
But I'd argue that not all of those enemies are 'dirty brown people' who live in abject poverty and continually suffer our interference in their political and economic affairs. I'd argue that some of those enemies are currently controlling the multi-billion dollar defense and security contracts, both public and increasingly private, who have a vested interest in promoting fear and insecurity for reasons that, I think, are less than patriotic.
To some, war is a great business opportunity. Cynical, but just as true now as it was in World War I. In Michigan, where we continue to suffer the economically eroding effects of NAFTA, CAFTA, and all those other trade priveleges that send millions of jobs out of the country and put billions of more dollars in the pockets of a few already wealthy business interests, we should know that profit doesn't respect patriotism. Profit only respects more profit.
Our enemies, as a free and open society, are those who want to tell us which God to worship, which books to read and which to avoid, which churches to attend, who deserves to be loved, who gets health benefits, and what your children learn about the world in which they live. And when freedom of expression crosses the line of decency into gross exploitation, we should argue about the best way to remain a healthy society and find consensus on how we should move ahead.
I believe rigid fundamentalism, whatever its origin, whatever its intent, is the enemy of all free people and leads to fascism. Once a group of people are convinced of their rightness and superiority over another people, particularly in the name of religion or nationalism, human rights go out the window and nothing but bloodshed and human suffering follow. Recent history will back me up on that.
So god help us if there's another serious stike on U.S. soil before we act in good faith to give some balance to the current thrust of violence, intolerance and insanity, because the enemies to those values we hold so dear may finally get their own way and put a lock-down of all our rights and priveleges. And this time around there will be even less public will to fight their very organized and concerted plans for the future of this country and the world insofar as it concerns their very narrow interests.
Ok, enough of my preaching. Do what your conscience demands.
And the chain e-mail begins thusly.....
This is a ribbon for soldiers fighting in Iraq. Pass it on to everyone and pray.
Sleep Last Night?
Bed A Little Bumpy?
Toss and turn any...
Wish the heat was higher...
Maybe the a/c wasn't on...
Had to go to the john..
Need a drink of water...
Yes.. It is like that!
Count your blessings, pray for them,
Talk to your Creator
...and the next time when the other car cuts you off and you hit the brakes, or you have to park a little further from Walmart than you want to be, or you're served slightly warm food at the restaurant, or you're sitting and cursing the traffic in front of you, or the shower runs out of hot water...
Think of them...
Protecting your freedom!
Message from Iraq:The proud warriors of Baker Company wanted to do something to pay tribute To our fallen comrades So since we are part of the only Marine Infantry Battalion left in Iraq the one way that we could think of doing that is By taking a picture of Baker Company saying the way we feel. It would be awesome if you could find a way to share this with our fellow countrymen. I was wondering if there was any way to get this into your papers to let the world know that "WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN" and are proud to serve our country." Semper Fi
1st Sgt Dave Jobe
The attached photo was forwarded from one of the last U.S. Marine companies in Iraq. They would like to have it passed to as many people as possible, to let the folks back home know that they remember why they're there and that they remember those who've been lost.
Send this to 13 people in the next 15 minutes. Go.
<---------end of chain letter--------->
So after reading all that, the guilt seeped in. I mean, that was the intent, right? Well, it worked, but probably not in the way it was meant to.
I don't feel guilty that I haven't draped the stars and stripes across everthing I own or sang patriotic songs at the local church or blindly followed the edicts of the people who started this war or those who continue to perpetuate it.
And, after all I've read on the subject, I certainly don't believe Iraq had anything to do with 9-11 - despite the repeated efforts, year after year, of those who insist on confusing the issue - even after the recent conviction of Lewis "scooter" Libby and the very public revelations regarding the dirty politics of this administration - who, in deliberately revealing the classified identity of a public servent, showed they couldn't give a shit about who they sacrifice to get what they want. But that's politics as usual and I digress.
I do feel guilty that, in the four years since the Iraq war began, I haven't personally sacrificed anything for the people who really put their ass on the line - despite our president's early insistence that I go shopping and carry on as usual and simply trust them to take care of all the war business. That didn't work out so well.
I feel guilty that our leaders goals don't seem worthy of our soldier's souls, and, by my apathy and inaction, I am complicit in their suffering and their deaths.
I feel guilty that I haven't used my freedom to protest on behalf of my beliefs for fear of confrontation with the vocal minority who would like to punish me for those beliefs.
I feel guilty that all I've done is send a few e-mails to my congressmen; blog about it and bitch about it to people who already agree with me. A bare-minimum effort. And I know quite a few people who haven't even done that.
I know many of you don't agree with my take on all this, and that's your right. I'll respect your beliefs if you'll respect mine. But I'm no longer willing to be silent when somebody insinuates that I'm unpatriotic - especially if it's because I didn't forward a f@#$%ing chain letter.
But I do want Baker Company and all the vets to know that I am thinking about them, and that I do appreciate their sacrifice. I'm going to try to do more to remember that they're still out there, some of them waiting for us to step up and use the freedoms we have to help make the world a better place. Letting the war in Iraq continue indefinitely in the name of "The War On Terror", I believe, doesn't serve that purpose.
This country, and all the high ideals it was supposed to stand for, like liberty, free speech, representative democracy, the rule of law, freedom of religion, freedom to peacably assemble, freedom to keep and bear arms, freedom from unreasonable searches, seizures and forfeitures, freedom to petition our government for a redress of grievances, does have its enemies to be sure.
But I'd argue that not all of those enemies are 'dirty brown people' who live in abject poverty and continually suffer our interference in their political and economic affairs. I'd argue that some of those enemies are currently controlling the multi-billion dollar defense and security contracts, both public and increasingly private, who have a vested interest in promoting fear and insecurity for reasons that, I think, are less than patriotic.
To some, war is a great business opportunity. Cynical, but just as true now as it was in World War I. In Michigan, where we continue to suffer the economically eroding effects of NAFTA, CAFTA, and all those other trade priveleges that send millions of jobs out of the country and put billions of more dollars in the pockets of a few already wealthy business interests, we should know that profit doesn't respect patriotism. Profit only respects more profit.
Our enemies, as a free and open society, are those who want to tell us which God to worship, which books to read and which to avoid, which churches to attend, who deserves to be loved, who gets health benefits, and what your children learn about the world in which they live. And when freedom of expression crosses the line of decency into gross exploitation, we should argue about the best way to remain a healthy society and find consensus on how we should move ahead.
I believe rigid fundamentalism, whatever its origin, whatever its intent, is the enemy of all free people and leads to fascism. Once a group of people are convinced of their rightness and superiority over another people, particularly in the name of religion or nationalism, human rights go out the window and nothing but bloodshed and human suffering follow. Recent history will back me up on that.
So god help us if there's another serious stike on U.S. soil before we act in good faith to give some balance to the current thrust of violence, intolerance and insanity, because the enemies to those values we hold so dear may finally get their own way and put a lock-down of all our rights and priveleges. And this time around there will be even less public will to fight their very organized and concerted plans for the future of this country and the world insofar as it concerns their very narrow interests.
Ok, enough of my preaching. Do what your conscience demands.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Scooter Gets Convicted
tag: Scooter Libbey Conviction
So Scooter (I still can't over that nickname. I imagine a colorful beany with a propellor on his head) Libbey gets convicted on four counts of, basically, obstructing justice by lying about what he knew and when he knew it. One of the jurors said they felt bad about the conviction, but the prosecution's evidence was overwhelming.
The most interesting thing, of couse, is not that this little snake got caught being a little snake, it's that a presidential administration would engage in the deliberate outing an officer of the CIA to get some payback for getting caught in a lie. As far as I'm concerned, that's treason and somebody should hang, literally. But what do you expect from former Nixon administration officials? Dirty politics, of course.
No doubt, Scooter will get pardoned by Bush. He's got nothing to lose with a 29% approval rating. Sure, the Grand Old Party will be a little miffed, since it makes them look bad for the '08 presidential election, but if they do it now, nobody in America will remember by that time. We have VERY short attention spans.
Now, what was I talking about......????
So Scooter (I still can't over that nickname. I imagine a colorful beany with a propellor on his head) Libbey gets convicted on four counts of, basically, obstructing justice by lying about what he knew and when he knew it. One of the jurors said they felt bad about the conviction, but the prosecution's evidence was overwhelming.
The most interesting thing, of couse, is not that this little snake got caught being a little snake, it's that a presidential administration would engage in the deliberate outing an officer of the CIA to get some payback for getting caught in a lie. As far as I'm concerned, that's treason and somebody should hang, literally. But what do you expect from former Nixon administration officials? Dirty politics, of course.
No doubt, Scooter will get pardoned by Bush. He's got nothing to lose with a 29% approval rating. Sure, the Grand Old Party will be a little miffed, since it makes them look bad for the '08 presidential election, but if they do it now, nobody in America will remember by that time. We have VERY short attention spans.
Now, what was I talking about......????
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
The Birth of a New Word
I just made up a word by accidentally misreading a passage in "American Fascists: The Christian Right And The War On America". Author Chris Hedges wrote about how American industrialists and intellectuals flirted with the idea of fascism in the 1930s. Benito Mussolini called what he was doing "corporatism", 'which created an unchecked industrial and business aristocracy.' Sounds familiar, eh?
Anyway, "corporatism" was hyphenated on the page and so was "aristocracy". I inadvertently skipped a line and thus....
I know, I know. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue and it's hardly original sounding, but it really was an accident.
Anyway, "corporatism" was hyphenated on the page and so was "aristocracy". I inadvertently skipped a line and thus....
I know, I know. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue and it's hardly original sounding, but it really was an accident.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Infosnacking Sojo
Two great new internet terms I gleaned from Fronline's latest series on reporting and the media.
SoJo - Solo journalist, particularly an independent blogger.
InfoSnacking - the act of consuming small bits of news by following hyperlinks from a news story or news website.
SoJo - Solo journalist, particularly an independent blogger.
InfoSnacking - the act of consuming small bits of news by following hyperlinks from a news story or news website.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Know Your Local God Squad
Jupiter informed me that he's about to start an eight-week training course at the local police department with three of his fellow gun-toting god brothers from church, including the assistant pastor. For eight weeks they will be familiarized with local criminal activity and police procedures. This includes going on patrol with an officer, he says, trying hard not to gloat and failing miserably.
Suddenly, I have a vision of cross-encrusted jackboots wrestling a non-believers to the ground. Small, chromed fish symbols glittering in the night as a pack of Harleys leave the scene.
Jupiter already has an inflated sense of self-importance. I can't imagine how insufferable he'll be if endowed with an official certificate suitable for framing.
"So,how did this all come about?" I asked innocuously, so as not to arouse any suspicion of disapproval.
Turns out one of his god brothers is a police officer and he signed up their entire Big Boy club, sort of a Christian support group for manly men who meet for breakfast once a week and work out their issues.
"Man, I'll tell you what, it's good to know somebody on the inside, know what I mean?"
Weeks earlier, this same miracle-working godbrother turned a moving violation into a mere $100 ticket. Jupiter rear-ended some woman while momentarily distracted, pretty much destroying her car. His truck only sustained a pushed-in fender. Nobody was hurt, thank God, but for those out of the loop, this kind of accident could have cost hundreds of dollars in fines, several points on a license and mandatory driver safety school the violator would no doubt have to pay for.
"He swears he had nothing to do with it, but I know better," Jupiter says. "It's good to have someone on the inside..." His expression lingers until he's sure I've received the point.
His explanations always carry an air of exclusivity, a self-aggrandizing heap doled out on a daily basis; always right, always one better, never to be outdone, an Alpha Male In Good Standing With Jesus, Our Lord, Amen. If he were five, instead of forty-five, he'd be prancing around the school yard singing, "Nyah, nyah, nyah-nyah, nyah, nyah! I get to be the poleese-man and you-hoo-ooh do-on't!"
I admit to being a little jealous. Why does HE get be the policeman? And why are my tax dollars paying for it?
After a little digging, I got my answer. As part of our county's emergency preparedness program, citizen security forces are being trained in the event of some unsuspected cataclysm that, as history has proven, might overwhelm the funding, capacity and/or competency of our government agencies. Citizens will be 'better prepared to survive and recover from hazards including extreme weather, major power outages, fires, transportation or hazardous materials incidents, and weapons of mass destruction such as a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive-incendiary incidents.' Or, say, the second-coming and the apocalypse.
In addition to preparing for emergencies, selected citizens will also be trained to help prevent a terrorist or criminal act by watching for suspicious activities and reporting them to authorities . Don't look now friend, but your assistant pastor has been drafted as an official snitch. Hope your tithings are in order Goody Proctor.
So, in the event of a cataclysmic emergency, Jupiter and his gun-toting godbrothers will be securing our homeland from terrorists and other godless non-believers. I think we've got the beginnings of a goon squad here.
It's not that I think they're not qualified to help the authorities protect their citizens in times of crisis, but I question their motivations and their commitment to secure the freedom of all Americans. Their loyalties lie with their community; their church according to their interpretation of the bible - and protecting them exclusively. They spend the majority of their week reading Christian books, listening to Christian Radio programs, Christina CD's, Christian DVDs and Christian brodcasts, not to mention encouraging "fellowship" among their followers. It's a closed loop of information without any outside input. When you're convinced you're right, you don't see the point of inviting outside opinions. When you add political and economic power to that you get fascism becauuse there are no dissenters around to say, "Hey, now, that's just f*in crazy." The members of the "in" club are worried about how they'll be perceived by "members" in this parallel world they've created and don't want to bring the weight of it down upon their heads so they remain silent, until it's too late.
So it worryies me that my local police are training these people up to protect me and mine. I understand the need to get community groups and churches involved in the procedures, because that's where people are and it makes them easier to reach. Fine. But I'm wary of involving organized religion in such sensitive security infrastructure as homeland security operations, and I kind of resent using tax dollars to train them to "save" me.
"I'm living for the hereafter," Jupiter told me the other day. "I'm not living for the here and now." Chilling words from a potential rescuer. Sounds like something an Iraqi martyr might say.
Suddenly, I have a vision of cross-encrusted jackboots wrestling a non-believers to the ground. Small, chromed fish symbols glittering in the night as a pack of Harleys leave the scene.
Jupiter already has an inflated sense of self-importance. I can't imagine how insufferable he'll be if endowed with an official certificate suitable for framing.
"So,how did this all come about?" I asked innocuously, so as not to arouse any suspicion of disapproval.
Turns out one of his god brothers is a police officer and he signed up their entire Big Boy club, sort of a Christian support group for manly men who meet for breakfast once a week and work out their issues.
"Man, I'll tell you what, it's good to know somebody on the inside, know what I mean?"
Weeks earlier, this same miracle-working godbrother turned a moving violation into a mere $100 ticket. Jupiter rear-ended some woman while momentarily distracted, pretty much destroying her car. His truck only sustained a pushed-in fender. Nobody was hurt, thank God, but for those out of the loop, this kind of accident could have cost hundreds of dollars in fines, several points on a license and mandatory driver safety school the violator would no doubt have to pay for.
"He swears he had nothing to do with it, but I know better," Jupiter says. "It's good to have someone on the inside..." His expression lingers until he's sure I've received the point.
His explanations always carry an air of exclusivity, a self-aggrandizing heap doled out on a daily basis; always right, always one better, never to be outdone, an Alpha Male In Good Standing With Jesus, Our Lord, Amen. If he were five, instead of forty-five, he'd be prancing around the school yard singing, "Nyah, nyah, nyah-nyah, nyah, nyah! I get to be the poleese-man and you-hoo-ooh do-on't!"
I admit to being a little jealous. Why does HE get be the policeman? And why are my tax dollars paying for it?
After a little digging, I got my answer. As part of our county's emergency preparedness program, citizen security forces are being trained in the event of some unsuspected cataclysm that, as history has proven, might overwhelm the funding, capacity and/or competency of our government agencies. Citizens will be 'better prepared to survive and recover from hazards including extreme weather, major power outages, fires, transportation or hazardous materials incidents, and weapons of mass destruction such as a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive-incendiary incidents.' Or, say, the second-coming and the apocalypse.
In addition to preparing for emergencies, selected citizens will also be trained to help prevent a terrorist or criminal act by watching for suspicious activities and reporting them to authorities . Don't look now friend, but your assistant pastor has been drafted as an official snitch. Hope your tithings are in order Goody Proctor.
So, in the event of a cataclysmic emergency, Jupiter and his gun-toting godbrothers will be securing our homeland from terrorists and other godless non-believers. I think we've got the beginnings of a goon squad here.
It's not that I think they're not qualified to help the authorities protect their citizens in times of crisis, but I question their motivations and their commitment to secure the freedom of all Americans. Their loyalties lie with their community; their church according to their interpretation of the bible - and protecting them exclusively. They spend the majority of their week reading Christian books, listening to Christian Radio programs, Christina CD's, Christian DVDs and Christian brodcasts, not to mention encouraging "fellowship" among their followers. It's a closed loop of information without any outside input. When you're convinced you're right, you don't see the point of inviting outside opinions. When you add political and economic power to that you get fascism becauuse there are no dissenters around to say, "Hey, now, that's just f*in crazy." The members of the "in" club are worried about how they'll be perceived by "members" in this parallel world they've created and don't want to bring the weight of it down upon their heads so they remain silent, until it's too late.
So it worryies me that my local police are training these people up to protect me and mine. I understand the need to get community groups and churches involved in the procedures, because that's where people are and it makes them easier to reach. Fine. But I'm wary of involving organized religion in such sensitive security infrastructure as homeland security operations, and I kind of resent using tax dollars to train them to "save" me.
"I'm living for the hereafter," Jupiter told me the other day. "I'm not living for the here and now." Chilling words from a potential rescuer. Sounds like something an Iraqi martyr might say.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Christo-Fascism On The March
To some, the possiblity of Dominionism (i.e. Christo-Fascism) taking over in America, and then the world, seems like just another pop conspiracy theory designed to sell books. Even Hedges himself admits, "It was hard, at the time, to take such fantastic rhetoric seriously, especially given the buffoonish quality of those who expounded it." But 25 years after he was warned about the rise of Christian fundamentalists by a professor at Harvard Divinity School, he witnessed the prophetic warning continue to manifest itself and, apparently, took it seriously enough to write a book about it.
If you'd like to get a good idea of what Hedges is expounding, Read this article at
Oh, and by the way, when I bought this book, which is brand new and currently on the media lecture circuit, I had to ask for help at Borders Books to find it. A single copy was buried deep in the back of the store with the other political science books - not up front with the other hard-cover, non-fiction, new releases. Hey, Christianity is very $$$popular$$$ right now.
When someone is convinced they're right, surround themselves with others who feel exactly the same way, quash any dissenting opinions and and use God to justify their behavior, watch out. Christo-fascists and Islamo-fascists have more in common with eachother than they do with the mass of humanity.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Riffing On The Times 2.20.07
As always, the headlines are taken from The New York Times and the sub-heads are made-up.
Merger Would End Satellite Radio’s Rivalry - XM gets SIRIUS about forming monopoly
North Africa Feared as Staging Ground for Terror - Actual terror to take place elsewhere
Iraqi Militants Launch Attack on U.S. Outpost - Likewise, they are not welcomed as "liberators".
Anglicans Rebuke U.S. Branch on Same-Sex Unions - Insist both men and women should enjoy labor representation.
Old Foes Join in Anger as Train Bombing’s Toll Rises to 66 - Pakistan & India; terrorism makes strange bedfellows.
Mideast Talks Conclude With Little Result - What, this is news?
In New Orleans, Bands Struggle to Regain Footing - Katrina & Insurance fraud gives hope to homeless and hungry musicians.
Job Corps Plans Makeover for a Changed Economy - Poor find work as IED Inspectors and Community Relations Reps in Iraq
After a Rampage, Trying to Grasp What Led a Son to Kill - Mall maniac leaves....ok I can't think of anything to write here.
Merger Would End Satellite Radio’s Rivalry - XM gets SIRIUS about forming monopoly
North Africa Feared as Staging Ground for Terror - Actual terror to take place elsewhere
Iraqi Militants Launch Attack on U.S. Outpost - Likewise, they are not welcomed as "liberators".
Anglicans Rebuke U.S. Branch on Same-Sex Unions - Insist both men and women should enjoy labor representation.
Old Foes Join in Anger as Train Bombing’s Toll Rises to 66 - Pakistan & India; terrorism makes strange bedfellows.
Mideast Talks Conclude With Little Result - What, this is news?
In New Orleans, Bands Struggle to Regain Footing - Katrina & Insurance fraud gives hope to homeless and hungry musicians.
Job Corps Plans Makeover for a Changed Economy - Poor find work as IED Inspectors and Community Relations Reps in Iraq
After a Rampage, Trying to Grasp What Led a Son to Kill - Mall maniac leaves....ok I can't think of anything to write here.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Delusional Hypocrisy
Completely delusional. And I think he really believes it. He's still trying to confuse the War On Iraq with the "War On Terror." Still pretending that they're one and the same. As If saying it long enough, it will become true.
This reminds me of the claims by Christians that there's a perpetual attack on Christianity. Over and over again I hear, personally, that Christianity is being attacked by secular humanists and liberals. Give me a break. All we really hope to do is ignore you. By posing as a perpetual victim nobody will blame them when they "defend" themselves - even if that means throwing the first punch or worse. So much for turning the other cheek.
Re: Tim Hardaway's admitted homophobia. Don't condone violence against homosexuals, bu jeez, at least he's honest about his homophobia. Honesty is such a rare commodity these days.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
It's been quite a whiile since I've updated this blog. I think I just got so depressed about the state of our so-called union that I just had nothing more to add. Sure, the U.S. Democratic party's win in 2006 gave me a glimmer of hope that the whole election system hasn't been totally comprimised, but I tend to believe that it's because one set of theives and liars were able to able to upset the plans of the other group of theives and liars. I'm not foolish enough to believe that anyone will be doing the will of the people anytime soon.
But for two more years, the current administration in power will continue to loot our treasury either by unfair tax cuts for the rich, no-bid contracts for their buddies, or outright theft - like the 12billion that's somehow gone missing in Iraq. Any gains 'we the people' make will be paid for by us, as evidenced from the presidents proposed health care plan (i.e. the middle class with so-called "gold-plated health care plans" (his words) will pay taxes on that coverage to pay for the lower working-class tax credits (Why isn't anyone on the right screaming about that proposed tax increase? Fucking hypocrites). But he's thinking like the ivy-league snot. The poor/uninsured don't need and won't use tax credits.
One thing's for sure about these guys, they're high-rollers, radical risk-takers with brass balls who are going to take this game as far as they can before it's all over. The final grab. I think they're itching to start a regional war in the middle east while they still have their finger on the trigger. That should be interesting. Can't wait to see how Russia and China react.
And so it goes.
Edward Lazear, the chairman of the President's Council on Economic Advisors is telling me on C-Span that the economy is strong, productivity is up, wages are up, everthing good is up, up, up. My feeling is their economic policy is about as accurate as their post-invasion plans for Iraq - completely fucking deluded. Michigan is fucked. Ask our governor.
In my world, several companies around have condensed their operatioins, shipped their factories overseas or closed completely. Napoleon K still doesn't have health care and he and my wife are earning barely above the poverty rate (which is a lie anyway) with no hope of earning substantiallly more. Welcome to the McJobs of the 21st century, controlled by the handful of companies who occupy every strip mall and big-box store in your town or city. A life of crime is looking more and more like a viable alternative to working hard and playing by the rules.
At least life in America isn't boring. And I would guess it's going to get a whole lot more exciting if things keep going the way they are. Can't wait.
Eat The Rich
But for two more years, the current administration in power will continue to loot our treasury either by unfair tax cuts for the rich, no-bid contracts for their buddies, or outright theft - like the 12billion that's somehow gone missing in Iraq. Any gains 'we the people' make will be paid for by us, as evidenced from the presidents proposed health care plan (i.e. the middle class with so-called "gold-plated health care plans" (his words) will pay taxes on that coverage to pay for the lower working-class tax credits (Why isn't anyone on the right screaming about that proposed tax increase? Fucking hypocrites). But he's thinking like the ivy-league snot. The poor/uninsured don't need and won't use tax credits.
One thing's for sure about these guys, they're high-rollers, radical risk-takers with brass balls who are going to take this game as far as they can before it's all over. The final grab. I think they're itching to start a regional war in the middle east while they still have their finger on the trigger. That should be interesting. Can't wait to see how Russia and China react.
And so it goes.
Edward Lazear, the chairman of the President's Council on Economic Advisors is telling me on C-Span that the economy is strong, productivity is up, wages are up, everthing good is up, up, up. My feeling is their economic policy is about as accurate as their post-invasion plans for Iraq - completely fucking deluded. Michigan is fucked. Ask our governor.
In my world, several companies around have condensed their operatioins, shipped their factories overseas or closed completely. Napoleon K still doesn't have health care and he and my wife are earning barely above the poverty rate (which is a lie anyway) with no hope of earning substantiallly more. Welcome to the McJobs of the 21st century, controlled by the handful of companies who occupy every strip mall and big-box store in your town or city. A life of crime is looking more and more like a viable alternative to working hard and playing by the rules.
At least life in America isn't boring. And I would guess it's going to get a whole lot more exciting if things keep going the way they are. Can't wait.
Eat The Rich
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