Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Let's get this clear, we make the rules...

Republicans have effectively dismissed any threat that their party leaders will ever have to face discipline by congress for ethical misconduct - at least not while they're in charge and the party faithful are locked in goose-step formation ( so prepare for your state to be gerry-mandered into a Republican majority - if it hasn't already).

According to the New York Time, a 1997 rule (adopted to deal with the Clinton Administration) stated that if the ethics committe is deadlocked on an issue (in which the chairs are evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans) a preliminary investigation would automatically kick-in after 45 days. Under the new & improved rules for the Bush Regime congress, any ethics charge that splits down party lines is dismissed. That means, as long as the old boys club locks elbows on any particular ethics violation, say, buggering congressional aides in the coat-check closets, the charges are dismissed. Never happened. What congressional aide? What coat closet?

This just gets better and better.

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