Saturday, February 05, 2005

"The State of The Union" implies unity

I couldn't watch the State of The Union address.

Besides, I'm pretty confident I know what Bush's game is; get whatcha' can while you can. Piss on the constitution and loot the treasury for you and your buddies and do it so well that it will take a generation of American hard labor to recover from it. Then, when some fool Democrat creates a surplus again, the Republicans can steal it again in the form of tax cuts for the rich and out-sourcing corporations that care so much about America's present and future (they only salute one flag and it isn't red, white & blue). We've been through this ecomomic cycle before, people. It took twenty years to recover from the excess and government looting (a.k.a. bank bailouts) of Reaganomics. We many never recover from Bushonomics. At least, not without some kind of revolution.

It's funny that Republicans have managed to label Democrats as too loose with American tax dollars - spending them on useless government social programs that benefit the "undeserving" (that would be your poor, your children and your old people). But Bush is looting the pot to perpetuate a war for the benefit of Haliburton (and subsidiaries), The Carlyle Group and to manipulate the worldwide energy market.

If you think it was cynical for Enron (remember now, CEO Ken Lay was a good buddy to the Bush Regime) to plunder the newly deregulated California energy market in the nineties, just wait until this new world order takes shape.

By the way, how is your energy bill looking lately?

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