Monday, October 02, 2006

Riffing On The Times 10.2.06

As always, the headlines are taken right from NYT but the sub-heads are made-up.


Roberts Court May Be Defined in Second Term - Liberals bend over while conservatives unzip.

Former Pages Describe Foley as Caring Ally - Convgressman offered back rubs, movie tickets, iPods and more to teenage boys "Just to break the ice".

Global Sludge Ends in Tragedy for Ivory Coast - Corporate Oil dumps toxic waste on "Mud People".


Fatal Clashes in Gaza Over Unpaid Salaries - U.S. and Israeli boycotts and forfetures have intended effect on struggling democracy.

Embattled Brazil Incumbent Fails to Win First-Round Ballot -Platform of social justice and clean government has proven to be a loser with Global Corporations and their hentchmen at Choice Point.

Serbia Asserts Its Sovereignty Over Kosovo in Legislation - Here we go again...


A Farmer Fears His Way of Life Has Dwindled Down to a Final Generation - Global AgriCorps offer him and his spawn jobs as marketing props for their "Fresh Harvest" campaign.

Wait Ends for Father and Son Exiled by F.B.I. Terror Inquiry - U.S. allows their re-entry as second-class citizens.

Wal-Mart to Add More Part-Timers and Wage Caps - Rumors of employees with affordable health insurance and clean shelter snaps Board of Directors into action.

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