Thursday, March 30, 2006


Yesterday I heard THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES repeat a lie about illegal immigrants:"They'll do jobs that Americans just won't do."


At the very least it's a lazy assumption that serves to keep an abundance of cheap labor around to tend rich white people's lawns, care for their children and clean their sheets.

Here's some verifiable proof that white anglo Americans WILL do the jobs that everybody ASSUMES they won't.

MY WHITE ANGLO SISTER, who has a Master's Degree in Fine Art cleans hotels rooms to keep her four children fed. Not too many jobs for fine art majors in Northern Lower Michigan. Now, if she had the educational and social support from her state to get a teaching degree, that would change dramatically. But alas, no extra funds. She'll be paying off her masters degree with "jobs that Americans just won't do" for a very long time, Mr. President.

MY WHITE ANGLO BROTHER picked strawberry's and cut sod in the summer as a teenager. Is there a shortage of American teenagers that we don't know about, Mr. President? Does an AMERICAN LAW have to be broken 12,000,000 times by AMERICAN BUSINESSMEN to get our food picked and our sod cut? I think not, sir.

As for myself, ANOTHER LAW-ABIDING WHITE ANGLO AMERICAN CITIZEN, I've been a ditch-digger, a landscaper, a lawn-sprinkler installer, part of a constructioin clean-up crew, and a general maintenance man. I've followed the rules and have broken no laws, Mr. President. And I've got very little to show for my hard-working fortitude, other than feeling like a sucker.

The Mexicans immigrants I see on a regular basis (assuming that SOME of them are here illegally, at least some of those who don't speak a lick of English) don't do jobs that Americans won't do, sir. They install carpeting, they work construction jobs and they do landscaping. ALL JOBS THAT AMERICANS WILL DO. I know, because I've done them.

Mr. President, stop lying to the American people and tell us why you and your friends really want illigal Mexican immigrants in this country: Because American Business Owners (from food-growers to Wal Mart) want cheap labor and they don't care if they have to break a few AMERICAN immigration laws to get it.

And THAT'S THE TRUTH, no matter what kind of political spin you want to put on it.

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