Wednesday, November 30, 2005

No Flu Vaccine Shortage???

The local news and NPR keep going on about how I can still get a flu shot and there's no shortage. I called the Oakland Country Health Dept. on Monday to make sure my daughter and I could still get a flu shot but was informed that they don't have any more vaccine for adults and children over 8. "Sorry, we're done for the year."


So we went to The Wixom Health Care Clinic where my Primary Care Physician is located and I was informed by the woman at the counter that they didn't buy ANY.

Thanks for preparing for my family's health-care needs. By the way, you're all FIRED!!!!

The other gas gouge

It was just announced on the local news that the Michigan legislature has approved a 47 percent hike in Consumer's Energy natural gas prices for the winter. Remember that a 53 percent hike was granted to Michcon back in October. The energy industry says Hurricane Katrina is to blame. They'd better be ready to back that up or there's going to be some house cleaning in Lansing.

These are astronomical increases in energy prices. I've never seen anything like it, ever. I'd better not hear any more shit about record profits in the energy industy while poor people are freezing to death in Detroit in January and February.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Bye Bye Celebrity Non-News

On Thanksgiving day I concluded that I would no longer watch CNN (Celebrity Non News) - at least not until the next live national disaster strikes and I have to decide between them, FOX (Fascists On X) or MSNBC (no acronym ascribed - it's funny enough that a network has to answer to MicroSoft). In fact, I declared to my astonished daughter that Jimmy Neutron is by far more entertaining than the news. I mean, if entertaining is what they're trying to do over there at CNN, I prefer to watch Jimmy, Carl and Sheen take on the forces of evil rather than Lou, Paula and the over-hyped super-micro-anchorman Anderson Cooper.

If you want news, real news without product tie-ins, celebrity sucking-up (the coverage of Martha Stewart was shameful), you have to watch PBS or CSPAN.

It was fun for a while, Ted. But I prefer to get my news without all the fat and sugar.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

A Lifetime of Useless Shit

I went through my closet today, particularly the reams of useless shit I've collected over the last twenty years; college papers, unfinished writing projects, tax documents, the police report to an apartment fire that wiped me out in the eighties, receipts, various unfinished journals that do nothing more than prove I've been depressed for a very long time. I thought, if I die tomorrow, all this useless shit is what my life has added up to this point. It's all worthless. And this blog is just more worthless drivel, but nstead of cluttering up my closet it's taking up space on the web. Welcome to the flotsam and jetsam of my life, drifting toward the vanishing horizon. What a disappointment. I'm nothing more than a pulse with a paycheck. A rusting cog in a broken machine. NEXT.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Curt Weldon Transcript

Here's a link to the transcript of Rep. Curt Weldon's accusations against the Defense Intelligence Agency's smear campaign. Can't believe I haven't heard more about this from the media. This guy was just losing it on the floor of the house. I never seen someone on CSPAN so totally pissed-off. It was great! Curiously, this one video seems to have been ommitted from the CSPAN archives. I wonder how THAT happened.

Transcript: Rep. Curt Weldon Accuses DIA of smear campaign.

Here's a bunch more blogging on this topic


Boy it's been a good couple weeks to be a LIBERAL (you gotta problem with that?). Scooter Libbey's been indicted for dirty politics, Carl Rove's on the run and now Kenneth Tomlinson has resigned in disgrace from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. And let's not forget that excellent "in your face" the dems pulled on the Republicans in the Senate - and they thought they were the only ones who could exploit a procedural loophole. Go ahead motherf***ers, get rid of the filibuster.