Saturday, November 26, 2005

A Lifetime of Useless Shit

I went through my closet today, particularly the reams of useless shit I've collected over the last twenty years; college papers, unfinished writing projects, tax documents, the police report to an apartment fire that wiped me out in the eighties, receipts, various unfinished journals that do nothing more than prove I've been depressed for a very long time. I thought, if I die tomorrow, all this useless shit is what my life has added up to this point. It's all worthless. And this blog is just more worthless drivel, but nstead of cluttering up my closet it's taking up space on the web. Welcome to the flotsam and jetsam of my life, drifting toward the vanishing horizon. What a disappointment. I'm nothing more than a pulse with a paycheck. A rusting cog in a broken machine. NEXT.

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