Saturday, August 05, 2006

Neo-Con Fasci-Nation

I'm constantly amazed at how different our country is from the one I learned about in school. Everything I was raised to believe about the Good 'Ole USA has been turned on its head.

  • I was raised to believe that if you worked hard and obeyed the rules, you would never be homeless or hungry in America.
  • I was raised to believe that a "pension fund" was a binding contractual obligation created to help a dedicated and loyal employee retire after years of hard work.
  • I was raised to believe in "overtime" and the 40-hour work week- and remember the courageous working-class Americans who fought and sacrificed to secure those rights for us.
  • I was raised to believe that taxes were meant to "promote the general welfare" as well as provide for the uncommonly huge defense budget.
  • I was raised to believe you should pay your bills on time and avoid burying yourself in mountains of debt.
  • I was raised to believe that the U.S. was good and righteous and promoted equality and fair play both here and abroad.
  • I was raised to believe that the tyranny of the majority couldn't happen in America because the built-in checks and balances in our constitutional democracy wouldn't allow it.
  • I was raised to believe in the Bill Of Rights.
  • I was raised to believe that science was apolitical.
  • I was raised to believe there were good reasons our founders emphasized the seperation of church and state.
  • I was raised to believe a "free and unfettered press" was an integral part of keeping a constitutional democracy healthy.
  • I was raised to belive that our government was created "of the people, by the people and for the people".
  • I was raised to believe no American was above or beyond the law, not even The President of The United States.
  • I was raised to believe cheaters could never be winners.

Thanks to the shameless governance of extremist neo-cons who have been ruining the U.S. for the past six and a half years, I now realize my elementary and naive illusions about America were completely and utterly false.

I hold this truth to be self-evident: that it's every man, woman and child for himself in America - the rules be damned.

1 comment:

kristofer said...

Indeed, we're a nation built upon class antagonism. The wealthy profit off of working class labor. We as the working class are letting the rich and affluent live glorious lives at the expense of our own.

We're a divided people though. There's still racial and religious dogmas.. children are taught the American Dream.. that anyone who works hard can be something more. Children are taught they can become president.. captains of industry.. movie stars.. olympians.. american dreams.

The only way to change things is to spread this awareness to the working class. We vote with our dollars. A united consumer stand will put the bourgeois in check.