Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sudra's Incredible Shrinking World

Speaking of my Non-Adventurous Life (title of this blog), it seems the older I get the more my world shrinks. I have no friends anymore; anybody I find even remotely interesting moves away or has no use for my presence in their lives. Even adding my two cents on this blog seems completely empty and meaningless. Nobody cares what I think and, conversely, I don't really care what anybody else thinks about the foibles of political charletains and the pop-curio of the week. If there's one thing I've learned, it's how to waste vast amounts of time.

The whole human experience just seems like a perpetual muddle to me anymore, so I think I'll turn my attention inward. There's really nothing for me out here anymore, but perhaps a reflection of my inner life, a digital mirror to turn to now and again for.......I don't know. Just for amusement, I guess.

If, when and until a shred of optimism shakes me out of this mood, adieu.

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