Saturday, January 08, 2005

News Flash: Uncle Tom On The Take

Houseboy admits to getting extra gruel

Conservative radio host, media commentator, and until yesterday, journalist Armstrong Williams, has been outed by recent reports that he accepted $240,000 from the Bush Regime to promote its "No Child Left Behind" program and, 'to explain its policy to minority parents' - according to a statement obtained by The New York Times from The Department of Education.

If Williams had any doubt about NCLB, a policy that many educators consider an unfunded mandate at a time when Federal cut-backs in State aid have resulted in smaller education budgets, the near quarter-million dollar pay-off surely re-invigorated his enthusiasm.

Formerly a protege' of Sen. Stom Thurmond (R-South Carolina), who holds the record for the longest filibuster in U.S. Senate history while opposing The Civil Rights Act, Williams admitted his mistake on national television, reportedly saying that he was thinking like a businessman without worrying enough about journalistic ethics - no doubt a bad habit he picked up while hanging with The Right crowd and which led to his syndicated column being dropped by Tribune Media Services.

Perhaps he and J.C. Watts can put together a song & dance routine for the southern country-club set once they've lost all credibility with blacks in The United States.

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