Saturday, April 23, 2005

Civic Responsibility for the Lazy Boy

So I wrote my letters to congress and submitted a letter to the editor regarding the latest Republican debacles, namely the Citibank Bankruptcy Bill Giveaway (s.256) and the coming filibuster-buster over the appointment of right-wing judges. I'm doing my part, right? I even sent a follow-up letter admonishing my congressmen for his complacent party-line vote (he voted yes, duh). I don't have much money to send to issue orgs, but I send what I can when I think it's imperative.

Still, I feel I'm not doing enough. I want to take to the streets, screaming and shouting about the abuse of power, the abuse of the constitution, the theocratic hypocrites that pervade the opposition and dozens of other issues regarding the opposition's role in ruining our country.

But, alas, I have to work on Saturday.

Thank God for the internet or I wouldn't have any place to vent.

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