Sunday, November 27, 2005

Bye Bye Celebrity Non-News

On Thanksgiving day I concluded that I would no longer watch CNN (Celebrity Non News) - at least not until the next live national disaster strikes and I have to decide between them, FOX (Fascists On X) or MSNBC (no acronym ascribed - it's funny enough that a network has to answer to MicroSoft). In fact, I declared to my astonished daughter that Jimmy Neutron is by far more entertaining than the news. I mean, if entertaining is what they're trying to do over there at CNN, I prefer to watch Jimmy, Carl and Sheen take on the forces of evil rather than Lou, Paula and the over-hyped super-micro-anchorman Anderson Cooper.

If you want news, real news without product tie-ins, celebrity sucking-up (the coverage of Martha Stewart was shameful), you have to watch PBS or CSPAN.

It was fun for a while, Ted. But I prefer to get my news without all the fat and sugar.


Jaybird said...

The one thing I find watching the American news is that it seems so over hyped... maybe the only ones I have ever seen some of are Fox or a feed from Detroit. I usually watch the Canadian news, and it isn't the same at all.

Sudrakarma said...

I'll have to tune into CBC to get some hype-free news on the U.S. Thanks.