Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ken Lay Down For Good

Though my condolences go out to Ken Lay's family and friends (with the exception of Emperor Bush) and those who actually found some goodness in this blood-thirsty vampire, it's too bad he died before he could be sentenced for his crimes at the helm of the pirate ship Enron. He should have had the time to recieve cards and letters from thousands of people whose lives he ruined. He should have had time to reflect on how he could go from fat cat corporate cheat to a low-life, rat-in-a-cage in such a short amount of time. But there's always Skilling, right? And Copper, and Fastow, and .....

I guess the only thing left to do with Ken Lay is let the prosecutor drive a stake through his heart and cut off his head - just to make sure this evil bastard doesn't haunt the living anymore.

Unfortunately, it seems his sudden death has complicated the process of making reparations to his victims. See the story in The New York Times.

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