Monday, October 04, 2004

Baptists In the house

Went to Torque's baptism last night. He was baptized with about eight other people. One by one they entered the baptismal (like a big jacuzzi) and witnessed to the entire church why they were accepting Jesus as their saviour. The whole experience was very touching. The sense of community, confession, repentance and humility was overwhelming. I hadn't realized how insulated I've become from the local community.

Music included a karaoke-styled sing-a-long with acoustic guitar accompaniment, a single female singing a hymn acapella, traditional hymns sang by the congregation out of the hymn book and an oboe soloist accompanied by a prerecorded orchestra. Cool instrument, the oboe. The church is in serious need of a decent PA system with monitors.

The baptism was followed by a nice pot-luck feast in the basement.

Perhaps I should make some time to go to church again.

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