Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Home: Haystacks, Pigtails, Small-talk & Dirty Fingernails

Took my daughter and a neighbor girl to a state park for a Girl Scout hayride tonight. There were about a dozen screaming girls throwing hay in every direction and a half-dozen parents. When the ride was over, donuts and cider were served around a campfire and the girls were given glow-sticks to run around with. The girls had a riot running around and jumping on the enormous cylindrical hay bales.

At one point, the girls spontaneously formed a line, marched and sang some song with which I wasn't familiar. I think it was from Disney. It was cute, if not a little surreal.

I didn't really talk to anyone during the entire evening. More and more, I find it difficult to socialize with the other parents at these events. The dads talked about their jobs , sports and the latest vehicles on the market. The moms talked about raising their kids. I never felt the need to jump in and add my two cents about either. I just don't care for small talk and usually come-off awkward when jump in. Pretty S.A.D.

The things I care about are usually too loaded to discuss in polite company anyway; politics, popular culture, religion & spiritual matters. Of course, there's always arts and humanities, those things pique my interest and they're not loaded - but I usually find myself sitting in the sewing circle while the husbands eye my suspiciously from afar. It's just my temperment - strong feminine side. You'd never know I was the type to practice the manly arts on a daily basis; welding, plumbing, carpentry, roofing, HVAC repair, mechanical repairs - you name it. What kind of a fruitcake keeps a self-involved blog, anyway?

Did you ever get the feeling you were living the wrong life?

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