Friday, March 04, 2005

Marth Stewart Can Go To Hell

Irreplaceable minutes of my day were stolen by the national media who seem intent to celebrate the return of Martha Stewart from prison today. Even NPR deemed it necessary to highlight favorable opinions of this shameless liar by quoting nothing but apologists in their story. Is Martha Stewart a personality we should be celebrating right now? CNN is treating her return as the greatest comeback since Nelson fucking Mandela. Martha Stewart lied to save her own ass! And now she'll profit handsomely from it with books, television specials and K-Mart merchandise. THIS is what we're celebrating? This is the "come-back" story we're teaching out kids to value? It's ok to lie, cheat and steal as long as you can turn it to your own advantage? That's pop-culture family values for you. God we love our winners, dont' we? No matter what they'll do to stay there. Where is our shame?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Rome is burning.

Sears Corp./K-Mart Catalog Item # 334-1201 - "The Empress' Robe"

Martha fans will be sure to enjoy this unique, Limited Edition item from the "Martha Stewart Post-Prison Payback Collection". You'll look better than ever in your transparent "Empress' Robe". Don't let the neighbors shame you into submission because they aren't as "buff" as you. Hold your nose up high and saunter right on by! Comes in any imaginable size & style with free delivery. Made from 100% transparent sheeps wool, woven and spun into misguided perceptions..........................$70,000

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